Sorry to speak directly (rather out of character for the review section), but this is an issue that really needs to be cleared up. Video game journalism everywhere has different views on what a 9/10 is, or what a 14/100 looks like to them. This is due, mainly, to how subjective everyone’s taste is when it comes to any interactive media. However this does create a disparity between what some people expect a game to play like and how a reviewer, well, reviews it. Here at the video game arm of Plugged we use a system that rates games out of a score of 100. This is due mainly in part to the fact that an out of 5 or 10 rating system is simply too low, and 100 allows the audience to better gauge how good (or horrible) the reviewed product really is.

Below is a comprehensive list that neatly explains what every increment of 10 means to you, and what you can expect from that game should you buy it. Hopefully this will serve as a useful guide to any reviews you see on Plugged and should make everything just that little bit clearer:

0-9 score – Not even a video game. A product so awful that it should be shunned by anyone and everyone who sees it. Every aspect of the game is terrible, with absolutely no redeeming qualities about it. Any game with a score this low should be avoided like the plague, and never played unless you’re under threat of death.

10-19 score – Barely a video game. A product that is terrible and should only be played in an ironic manner as a joke. Nearly every aspect of the game is terrible, with only one or perhaps two redeeming qualities about it. Any game with a score this low should be avoided, and not played unless dared to do so.

20-29 score – Closer to a video game. A product that is still terrible, but has maybe one interesting feature to it. Most aspects of the game are terrible, however it shows a glimmer of quality. Any game with these scores should be treated with caution when approached, like a wild animal.

30-39 score – Nearly a video game. A product that comes close to the average in its execution of style, theme and mechanics. Most, but not all, aspects of this game are bad. Some show a little promise though. Any game with these scores should be treated like a relative you dislike; at arm’s length, away from your person.

40-49 score – A basic video game. A product that is average, with just a ‘good’ standard of quality control. Not all aspects of this game are awful, but they pale in comparison to better game on the market. Any game with these scores should be considered if recommended, but not held in too high a regard.

50-59 score – A fun, enjoyable game with flaws. A product that shows signs of being able to be truly great. Some aspects of this game are actually a little engaging, and there’s one or two things that can be loved. Any game with these scores can be considered warmly, as they might be terrible, but more than likely not.

60-69 score – A great game that is better than it is worse. A product that actively engages the player, offering something fun and fresh to play. Most aspects of this game are fun to play around with and perhaps offers a feature not seen before. Any game with these scores can be chosen with resolve, as you know that they’re not perfect but they’re above most games in terms of quality.

70-79 score – An outstanding game that could be amazing with improvement. A product that is highly engaging and outstanding in the genre it chooses to be in. Nearly every aspect of this game is great, polished to a fine finish that leaves you wanting more in the future. Any game with these scores can be actively sort out as a gem among rocks.

80-89 score – An outstanding, brilliant video game. A product that cuts above 99% of most video games and should be played if you’ve the time. Every aspect of the game is polished, with a distinct impressiveness about it that defines it. Any game with these scores are unique, infrequent in their release and should be bought if possible as a fantastic experience.

90-100 score – A shining, iconic example of what other video games should strive to be. A product so legendary in its greatness, that words cannot rightly tell of how awesome it really is. Every single aspect of the game is finely tuned, polished to match a high standard. No detail is left out from this inspection. Any game with these scores must be played, as they are the truly exceptional examples what gaming can be.

Written by Matt Dawson